Zachary Steinman, MD

I grew up in Westport, where I met my awesome wife Bonnie when we were both juniors at Staples High School. We moved away during my medical training, and had two amazing and hilarious kids. I am excited to return to Willows, where, as a patient almost three decades ago, I first experienced the impact of excellent pediatric care.

I am committed to an evidence-based approach to medical practice that is continuously updated by current research. At the same time, the art of medicine remains central to the care I provide. To me this means that I approach patients with sensitivity and flexibility to address the needs of individual patients and families.

Contact Information

Dr. Steinman’s Nurse – ext. 1239

Dr. Steinman's Hours

M, TU, W, F 8:30 - 5:00
THURSDAY 8:30 - 12:00  

Education and Post Doctoral Training

Dr. Steinman graduated from Wesleyan University and received his Doctor of Medicine degree from Quinnipiac University with Distinction in Medical Humanities. In medical school his research focused on therapeutic Animal Assisted Interventions (AAI), and his research has been published by the Department of Children and Families in support of AAI in CT. He completed his internship and residency in Pediatrics at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, University of Connecticut.

Hospital Appointments

Norwalk Hospital

More Information about Hours

Parents may also schedule consultations most weekdays at 5:30 pm. These visits can be an invaluable time for in-depth discussions of various issues, including school and attention problems and behavioral concerns. This is also when I schedule prenatal visits and consultations with families interested in finding out more about my practice.